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New Book Announcement

Happy New Year! I hope 2014 was a blast for everyone but that 2015 will prove to be better. I want to start 2015 with an exciting announcement – the third and final book of The Painted Maidens Trilogy titled ‘The Taking’ is nearing completion! We are working on the cover art now as the book is in the first stages of editing. I’m aiming for a release on or before Valentine’s Day.

For those of you who are anxiously awaiting the release, it will be here soon – I promise! In the meantime, I plan to tease you with excerpts from the book (see the first one below).

For those who haven’t had a chance to read the first or second books, now is your chance to catch up as the first book ‘The Rising’ is still listed as free across all e-platforms!

THE RISING-final cover

The Rising

Get it now, FREE at:

Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Smashwords | Kobo


Seventeen-year-old Serena is the youngest member of a dying race. The increasing acidity of the ocean is destroying her home, slowly eating away at the once thriving underwater landscape. But since the night of Serena’s birth, it is an outside force that most threatens their dwindling population. Werewolves, who once served as protectors for mermaids in the Kingdom of the Undine, now seek to eliminate all who dwell in the ocean—and Serena is about to find herself right in the middle of the deadly conflict.

Given the title of Werewolf Liaison, Serena is determined to make things right for her people. When she ventures to The Dry, she meets Liam, the werewolf with hazel eyes, and her whole world gets turned upside down. As Serena discovers the real history between werewolves and mermaids, she is left wondering who her true enemies are.

The Betrayed MOCK UP 2

The Betrayed

Purchase it now:

Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Smashwords | Kobo


Two separate worlds; the Undine of The Deep and the Wolves of The Dry. A history muddled in war but thick with family bonds blur the lines of right and wrong. The youngest members of each race unite, trying to steer their people away from the brink of disaster. Serena and Liam must work together to resolve the problems of their people before the pressure tears these twin siblings apart. But the betrayed are angry, and are out for revenge.

Over the next month, there will be several fun events as we ramp up to the release of ‘The Taking’, including more excerpts, a playlist (I cannot wait for this one), announcements for my next projects, giveaways, and the cover reveal!

For now I leave you with an excerpt (unedited) from ‘The Taking’. Enjoy!

‘The Taking, Book Three of the Painted Maidens Trilogy’ Excerpt: 

male and female mermaidThe waves grow rough as the wind picks up.

“Come on,” says Kai. “I have an idea.” He takes Serena by the hand and swims them both into rougher surf.

“Kai, what are you—” Serena is cut off by the next wave that crashes over both of their heads.

Tossed and turned, colliding into each other and pulled apart just as quickly, they flounder like guppies in the water. Serena straightens herself out, finding the surface and popping above just to be pushed below again by the next wave. Kai rolls by in front of her sticking out his tongue while his tail is tangled in kelp.

Serena laughs as she breaks it apart for him. As soon as he is free, he pulls her up. Picking up speed, the pair glide along the surface, angling in to join another wave. This time, they slide in front of it just as the crest folds forward, wrapping them in a secluded tunnel of brackish blue. Kai continues to jut forward, but turns on his back and dips below the surface. He pulls Serena on top of him so her chest rests on his stomach. She rides the wave just as she has seen the Ungainly surfers do, laying down on their boards.

Kai pushes her hands up and out, then releases them. Spreading her arms like wings, Serena’s fingertips skim the watery tunnel on each side. Here in the ocean’s breakers, between The Deep and The Dry, Serena is finally afforded a little privacy from both worlds and her title as queen.

A wide grin spreads across her face as she looks down at Kai in gratitude. She pulls him up just as the tunnel condenses, then collapses in on itself. They endure the chaotic aftermath, tickling each other as they roll into calmer surf.

Catching their breath as their heads bob above water, pure delight dancing across their faces with the last light of the sun, and Serena looks at Kai. “I want to pair with you,” she says. The words are out of her mouth as the thought enters her head. Her eyes go wide—she can’t believe she said that out loud. She looks at Kai, who looks just as stunned.

“Are you sure?” he asks, giving her a chance to retract her statement.

Serena bites her lip, her eyes falling to the frothy water surrounding them. The time between waves lengthens, as if the ocean herself awaits Serena’s answer. Finally, she looks up to Kai. “No more waiting, Kai. I’m ready, and I wish to pair with you—if you’ll have me.”

His eyes light up and he squeezes her face in between his hands, drawing her lips into his. A breath she doesn’t know he was holding escapes as his lips relax open. He tastes of salt. Another wave finally breaks, taking them both by surprise. He wraps his tail around hers as their arms snake around each other.

The wave pushes them under in a tumultuous celebration, and they hold on tight as the world spins around them. Hitting the sandy sea floor, they break apart. Serena’s hair has escaped her braid and black tendrils reach out, brushing Kai’s cheek.

Right here, right now, there are no worries in the world. There is nothing but Kai and all the fun, the security, and the affection he brings. Serena can’t pretend the moment will last forever, but she knows if Kai is by her side she can face anything.

* * *

Hope you enjoyed the excerpt! Let me know what you think in the comments below and please be sure to like me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter to keep updated on my progress!

The Rising – ebook now Free across all platforms

THE RISING-final cover


Seventeen-year-old Serena is the youngest member of a dying race. The increasing acidity of the ocean is destroying her home, slowly eating away at the once thriving underwater landscape. But since the night of Serena’s birth, it is an outside force that most threatens their dwindling population. Werewolves, who once served as protectors for mermaids in the Kingdom of the Undine, now seek to eliminate all who dwell in the ocean—and Serena is about to find herself right in the middle of the deadly conflict.

Given the title of Werewolf Liaison, Serena is determined to make things right for her people. When she ventures to The Dry, she meets Liam, the werewolf with hazel eyes, and her whole world gets turned upside down. As Serena discovers the real history between werewolves and mermaids, she is left wondering who her true enemies are.



Terra Author PhotoABOUT THE AUTHOR:

Terra is author of the eco-fantasy novels in the Akasha Series, ‘Water’, ‘Air’, ‘Fire’ and ‘Earth’, as well as the Painted Maidens Trilogy. Terra was born and raised in Colorado but has since lived in California, Texas, Utah, North Carolina, and Virginia. Terra served a 5½ year enlistment in the Marine Corp, has earned her bachelor’s and master’s degree and presently runs the language services division of a small business.

Terra currently lives in a suburb of Washington, DC with her husband of fifteen years and three children.


Call for Help

keep-calm-and-ask-for-helpI’m running a promotion during October where I give the first book of The Painted Maidens Trilogy, The Rising, away for free. This will help boost sales and reviews for the follow on second book, The Betrayed, and will increase visibility for the series as a whole.  Right now, the e-book is free across all platforms except for Amazon. In order for Amazon to list it for free, I need to price match it. When you have a minute, please go to this link:


Scroll down to ‘product details’.  Click on ‘tell us about a lower price’.  A window will pop up.  Answer ‘website’ when it asks where you saw the price, then insert one or two of the these URLs (or you can do it twice listing both URLs):






The price and shipping should both be $0.00. Date of the price can be today’s date.


I need them to change this by Friday, so the more people that do it the more likely it is to change quickly.


Thank you so much for your help! I will be sure to report back when it is free so you can catch up on the series, if you haven’t already!


THE RISING-final coverThe Betrayed MOCK UP 2


New Release: The Betrayed

Happy Release Day to my Painted Maidens!

The Betrayed MOCK UP 2I am so excited to reveal ‘The Betrayed, Book Two of the Painted Maidens Trilogy’! It has been a looooong time coming. I won’t bore you with a long post, but I will give you what you need – the links!

Amazon Smashwords | Goodreads | B&N | iTunesKobo

Please help spread the word!


Two separate worlds; the Undine of The Deep and the Wolves of The Dry. A history muddled in war but thick with family bonds blur the lines of right and wrong. The youngest members of each race unite, trying to steer their people away from the brink of disaster. Serena and Liam must work together to resolve the problems of their people before the pressure tears these twin siblings apart. But the betrayed are angry, and are out for revenge.


‘The Rising’ Now Available

Finally available across all channels for purchase! ‘The Rising, Book One of the Painted Maidens Trilogy’ has been described as a wonderfully unique story. I guarantee this young adult series sets apart from any mermaid story you’ve read, or what you might come to expect.

The ebook is $4.99 on Amazon, Smashwords, B&N, and iTunes. For the rest of November, I’m willing to send out a free copy of ‘The Rising’ for anyone who agrees to post a review on either Amazon or Goodreads, or both. Send me an email at or comment below. And don’t forget to add it to your Goodreads TBR List. I encourage you to take the plunge – you might just love what you discover down in the deep!

THE RISING-final cover“It was a great ride. I devoured every page and loved the whole thing through.” by Ariel Avalon, Book Blogger

“This is a wonderfully unique story.” and “I recommend this if you enjoy mermaids or werewolves with some great action, mystery and a bit of romance.” by Darker Passions Book Blog

The book is fast paced filled with action that keeps you on the edge of your seat till the very end, add in a little romance and mystery for the perfect balance. The author has written a beautiful story that sparks the imagination. I loved everything about the story and can’t wait for the next one to see what happens to both Serena and Liam as their stories unfold.” by The Reading Diaries Book Blog 

Amazon Smashwords  |  B&N  |  iTunes  |  Goodreads

The Painted Maidens Blog Tour

tour banner FINAL


With the help of Patchwork Press, and a handful of amazing book review bloggers, we will kick off the Painted Maidens Blog Tour on October 21st. It will run all the way through November 9th with several reviews of the book, a character interview, an author interview, a dream cast reveal and a couple different guest posts by yours truly.

But the best news of the whole thing is that I will be giving away some awesome prizes; 5 lucky winners will receive a free e-copy of ‘The Rising’, one winner will receive a $10 Amazon gift card, and the grand prize is a brand new Kindle Paperwhite!

kindle paperwhite

Enter Now via my Facebook Page

The contest runs from October 21st through November 8th and is open internationally. You can enter as much as one per day by tweeting about the giveaway. Click above to enter and good luck!

THE RISING-final coverThe Rising
Book One of the Painted Maidens Trilogy

Fifteen-year-old Serena is the youngest member of a dying race. The increasing acidity of the ocean is destroying her home, slowly eating away at the once thriving underwater landscape. But since the night of Serena’s birth, it is an outside force that most threatens their dwindling population. Werewolves, who once served as protectors for mermaids in the Kingdom of the Undine, now seek to eliminate all who dwell in the ocean—and Serena is about to find herself right in the middle of the deadly conflict.

Given the title of Werewolf Liaison, Serena is determined to make things right for her people. When she ventures to The Dry, she meets Liam, the werewolf with hazel eyes, and her whole world gets turned upside down.  As Serena discovers the real history between werewolves and mermaids, she is left wondering who her true enemies are.

Add to your Goodreads TBR list now!
Pre-order on iTunes, B&N, or Smashwords.

Akasha Series Book Trailer

Some exciting stuff happening over the next month, and no – I’m not talking about Congress finally passing a budget.  I’m talking about ‘The Rising’, baby!  If you missed the cover reveal and blurb, click here. ARCs are now available via NetGalley (if you request a copy of the book and are denied, just email me and let me know – I’ll make sure you get a copy). The blog tour starts on Oct. 21 and goes through Nov. 9th, where I’ll be giving away several e-copies of ‘The Rising’, plus a grand prize of a Kindle Paperwhite. If you haven’t already, sign up to receive my blog posts via email (over on the right), so you don’t miss out on this contest.

Finally – something fun for The Akasha Series fans – a new book trailer!  See below and let me know what you think!  It was put together by Kellie Sheridan of Patchwork Press (thanks, Kellie!) and the vocals are by Emily Gittelman, the narrator that did the entire Akasha Series on audiobook!

Official Cover Reveal

I’ve kept this jewel under wraps long enough. You have no idea how much I wanted to just put it out there. Without further ado – the official cover to ‘The Rising, Book One of the Painted Maidens Trilogy’:

THE RISING-final cover

Fifteen-year-old Serena is the youngest member of a dying race. The increasing acidity of the ocean is destroying her home, slowly eating away at the once thriving underwater landscape. But since the night of Serena’s birth, it is an outside force that most threatens their dwindling population. Werewolves, who once served as protectors for mermaids in the Kingdom of the Undine, now seek to eliminate all who dwell in the ocean—and Serena is about to find herself right in the middle of the deadly conflict.

Given the title of Werewolf Liaison, Serena is determined to make things right for her people. When she ventures to The Dry, she meets Liam, the werewolf with hazel eyes, and her whole world gets turned upside down.  As Serena discovers the real history between werewolves and mermaids, she is left wondering who her true enemies are.

Add ‘The Rising’ to your Goodreads TBR list now.


My Journey from Scrap Paper to Novel; Six Times Over

Several days ago, I clicked ‘save’ then closed the document on the first draft of my sixth novel. ‘The Rising; Book One of the Painted Maidens Trilogy’ is now with my awesome editing team, and an equally awesome bunch of beta readers.  I welcome the break as I wait for the feedback, but my fingers can’t stay idle for long – it is a curse and a blessing.  They itch to get back to the keyboard.

I’ve already started on the second book of the trilogy, but want to take some time to reflect on my writing journey, and how it came to be.  My first novel, ‘Water, Book One of the Akasha Series’, took nearly ten years to write.  It started in high school, when I would be stuck in class daydreaming. I daydreamed of a cute boy coming into the classroom to sweep me off my feet. I’d dream of an equally cute villain coming into the classroom to take us all hostage. I dreamed of fighting the snobby girl next to me. How would I react? What would I do?

I went through the same daydreams over and over in my head, changing minor details until the scene was perfect – then I’d go over it again. I couldn’t stop. Finally, in order to keep some level of sanity, I began writing them down. They were just scenes; not even complete short stories. It worked well in class, I looked like a very studious note-taker.

Scan 13

I graduated high school and tried my hand at college. It was…boring. So, I joined the Marine Corps. Boot camp wasn’t so boring. And neither was the first two years in the corps.  But things settled down, and the daydreams started as once again, I sat behind a desk, this time at work but in cammies and boots. I can’t sit still for long.

I got married, had a child, and went back to school to earn my bachelor’s degree. I also resumed writing.


After five years, I left the corps for a career in the translation business.  The job was good, but I still continued to write.  Eventually, I took all these little ‘scenes’, saved in a folder from my high school years, and melded them into a story. I typed them up, working on my lunch break at work, in the early morning, or in the evenings.

IMG_3576In September of 2011, more than ten years after I started, my first novel was finished. My second novel, ‘Air’, only took two months. Since then, it has been a whirlwind of writing, editing, and marketing. I have six books and seven short stories to my name, and I still have so much to learn and do. The ideas are still flowing – I’m not sure I will ever be done writing.

One thing I’ve learned from writing on scrap paper, literally on the back of my biology notes, and eventually turning them into an actual published novel – even if it takes ten years, never give up!

Keep pushing for your dreams. If you never quite get there; the journey itself will be worth it.


Water Cover Image_FinalAir Cover ImageFire V2earth cover hand biggerThe Kindred Curse Cover